We are always ready welcome volunteers for the exciting WorldGenWeb project. One of the openings is as a County Coordinator for this county. If you have an interest in helping us develope this valuable resource by volunteering to serve as the County Coordinator, please contact the Country Coordinator.
Special thanks to our previous coordinator, Ken Birney for all of the great resources he collected for the website.
County Fermanagh Geography
Fermanagh, former county, in Ulster Province, southwestern Northern Ireland; Enniskillen was the county town. Fermanagh comprised a hilly area divided roughly in half by Upper and Lower Lough Erne, which are widenings of the Erne River. The county was principally agricultural, noted also for the manufacture of fine pottery at Belleek. Fermanagh was made a county in 1585; it ceased to exist as an administrative unit in 1973.
The main towns in Cos. Fermanagh and Tyrone are Omagh, Enniskillen, Dungannon, Strabane, Cookstown.
Ulster, the historic province of Ireland, includes nine counties: Cavan, Donegal, and Monaghan, now in the Republic of Ireland; and the former counties of Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, and Tyrone, now constituting the whole of Northern Ireland, which is sometimes called Ulster. The part of Ulster included in the Republic of Ireland forms a province of the same name. Area, 8011 sq km (3093 sq mi).
Genealogy and History Resources
Ulster Historical Foundation
12 College Square
East Belfast
Northern Ireland BT1 6DD
Tel: (01232) 33 22 88 Fax: (01232) 23 98 85Bulletin Boards and Surname Resource Pages
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Mailing List(s)
County Down Mailing List.�To subscribe send the word "subscribe" (without the quotes) as the only text in the body of a message to NIR-DOWN-L-request@rootsweb.com for the list mode or NIR-DOWN-D-request@rootsweb.com to just receive the digest.
You will find other mailing lists of interest to Irish researchers on the Northern Ireland Resource Pages .
Parish Records
Aghalurcher Aghavea Belleek Boho Clones Cleenish Derrybrusk Derryvullan Devenish Drumkeeran Drummully Enniskillen Galloon Inishmacsaint Killesher Kinawley Magheracross Magheraculmoney Rossory Trory On-Line Records
- 1825-1835 Tithe Applotment Index-There are about 12,800 names here
- Notes on the 1610 Ulster Plantation
- The Scottish Undertakers in 1610
- Cemetery Listings with Inscriptions
- Fermanagh Muster Roll -- 1631
- Church of Ireland Marriage Licence Bonds - Diocese of Clogher Extra - The Diocese of Clogher takes an area comprising part of Tyrone, Fermanagh and parts of Armagh. Monaghan and Cavan Marriage Licence Bonds date from 1630-1800
- Castle Hume and Tully Rent Roll 1742
- 1753 Archdall Estate Rent Roll
- 1747-1768 Freeholders List
- 1793 Ely Estate Rent Roll
- Churchmen of Inishmacsaint Parish 1622-1905
- 1659 Census Report
- Some Lisnaskea Marriages Here
- Measurement Equivilents
- Famine
- Parish Births and Marriages
- Interesting Post for County Fermanagh
- 1659 Census of County Fermanagh
- 1845 Rent Records of County Fermanagh
- Canadian Family History Magazine
- Catholic Parishes in New York City, 1865
- Fermanagh Parish Locations (43 Kb)
- Fermanagh Baronies (212 Kb)
- Old Map Showing North and South Fermanagh (65 Kb)
- Details of Belleek/Derrygonnelly Area (1,365 Kb)
Fermanagh Gravestone Project
A wonderful project trying to preserve and share Fermanagh's Gravestone Inscriptions
- Ireland CMC (christening, marriage, cemetery) Project
- Ireland Genealogy Links
- Irish State
- Limerick.com - has lots of interesting information about Limerick City and County.
- Olive Tree Genealogy Passenger Lists
- Sources for Research in Irish Genealogy
- Ulster American Folk Park
- KINFOLKFINDERS.COMKinfolkfinders has added a book of transcripts and photos, with index to over 800 names, from St. Molaise Cemetery, Monea, Devenish Parish.
- Ordinance Survey of Northern Ireland