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Thanks go to Vynette Sage for contributing this page



Erected by HUGH ACHESON in memory of his father HUGH ACHESON who dept this life August 17th 1807 aged 71 years.

Erected by WM ACHESON Conager in memory of his beloved wife MARY JANE who died 8th Jan 1906 aged 66 years.


Here lyth the body of JOHN BIRNEY who departed this life March 20th 1760 aged 66 years also his wife ELINOR alias DONDASS who departed this life-------1777 aged 85 years.


In Loving memory of SARAH ISABELLA beloved wife of SAMUEL BLEAKLEY died 18th October 1938 also her husband SAMUEL BLEAKLEY died 25th August 1955.


In memory of EDWARD BRITTON died 14th March 1895 aged 85 years. His wife ELIZABETH died 3rd Feb 1894 aged 87. Their son ISAAC died 28th April 1900 aged 56 years. Their daughter MARJORIE died 7th May 1913 aged 56 years. Erected by their son WILLIAM.


Here lyeth the body of JOHN RABASON who departed this life in the 21 years of his age 1749. Also ELIZABETH ROBSON alias COOKE wife to ROBERT ROBSON aged 49 years.


Erected and sacred to the memory of her father EDWARD CORRIGAN who dept this life June 24 1805 aged 76 years. Also his son JOHN ----- CORRIGAN who dept this life Dec 2nd 1805 aged 34 years. Also RICHARD son of EDWARD who dept this life Dec 19 1811 aged 9 years. JANE CORRIGAN wife of JAMES CORRIGAN died 1830. JAMES CORRIGAN died Dec 1866 aged 71 years. JAMES CORRIGAN his grandson died 18th July 1872 aged 4 years. EDWARD CORRIGAN died 21st March 189---aged 62 years. Also JANE CORRIGAN his wife died 20 Jan 1906 aged 68 years. JAMES PERCY CORRIGAN died 24th Sept 1936 aged 27 years. Also WILLIAM CORRIGAN died 10th July 1936 aged 73 years and was buried in Mount Jerome Dublin.

In loving memory of JAMES ROBERT CORRIGAN J.P. born 14th Sept 1873 died 3rd May 1946 also his wife ANNA GEORGINA born 23rd Jany 1874 died 7th April 1973 and their son PERCY born 10th July 1909 died 24th Sept 1936.


Here lieth the body of CHRISTOPHER CRAIG who depd this life Sept 25th 1831 aged 88 years.


Erected by EDW CROOK in memory of his wife ALICE CROOKE who departed this life June 1809 aged 60 years also his daughter BARBARA who departed this life March 1806 aged 20 years. and his son EDWARD CROOK who departed this life January 12th 1807 aged 23 years and the above ED CROOKE who depd this life March 7th 1814 aged 75 years.


By GILLY DEVIRS in memory of EDW REILLY and his wife ELENOR the former died the 10th March 1818 aged 62 the later on the 9th of July 1816 aged 66. Also EDW DEVIRS on 9th Sept 1823 aged 19.


Here lyth the body of JOHN BIRNEY who departed this life March 20th 1760 aged 66 years also his wife ELINOR alias DONDASS who departed this life-------1777 aged 85 years.


Erected by OWEN DOLAN in memory of his father OWEN DOLAND of Drummor who died on 26th May 1865 aged 83 years also his mother MARY DOLAN who died on 29th of May 1866 aged 72 years.


Erected by JOHN DONLIP in memory of his wife ELNOR MAGUIRE who departed this life March the 16th 1796 aged 29 years.


VIRTUS MOVET REX FOVET. Here lieth the bodies of RICHARD DUNBAR and HUGH MONTGOMERY Esq Rich died Nov 6th 1666 Hugh died Sept 26, 1722 aged 71 years.


Here lyith the body of THOMAS DUNDAS who departed this life on 8th December 1760 aged-----ANN DUNDAS who departed this life-------. Also ROBERT DUNDAS departed this life December 26th 1833.

Erected by MARGARET DUNDAS in memory of her husband PATRICK DUNDAS who departed this life April 5th 1822 aged 60 years. Also her mother B. REILLY who dept this life March 9th 1818 aged 76 years.

Erected by JOHN DUNDAS in memory of his three daughters MAGGRET SIDNEY and CATHERINE.

DUNDAS 1772.

Sacred to the memory of MILDRED DUNDAS who departed this life the 19th Nov 1833 aged 66 years.


Erected in memory of WILLIAM FERGUSON Conagher died 1st Feb 1901 aged 88 years.


Erected by THOMAS FERRIS in memory of his father EDWARD FERRIS who departed this life March 31st 17092 aged 58 years.


Erected by ELLEN IRVINE in memory of her parents brothers and sisters. WILLIAM J. FOSTER died 6th May 1882 aged 2. JAMES R. FOSTER died 18th May 1882 aged 6 months. JOHN FOSTER died 25th October 1888 aged 68 years. SARAH A. FOSTER died 7th October 1930 aged 88. WILLIAM J. FOSTER died 1st Dec 1932 aged 48. ELIZABETH A. FOSTER died 9th June aged 58 years.


JAMES FOWLER in memory of his father WILLIAM who depd this life Oct the 6th 1791 aged 70 years. Also his son ROBERT who dept this life March 11th 1825 aged 28 years. Also DAVID FOUWLER CHURCHHILL who departed this life 18th October 1884 aged 65 years. Also his beloved wife SARAH JANE who departed this life June 21st 1888 aged 70 years also FRANCIS EMILY infant child of ROBT and SARAH FOWLER who dept this life March 6th 1888 aged 3 months. Also ROBERT FOWLER who departed this life Oct 2nd 1899 aged 45 years.


Erected by SUSAN FOY in memory of her beloved husband BARNARD FOY who departed this life Nov 20th 1836 aged 55 years. Also her son OWEN FOY who departed this life December 9 1859 aged 34 years. Sacred also to the memory of SUSAN FOY who departed this life June 29th 1866 aged 82 years also her son BARNARD who dept this life February the 11th 1879 aged 55 years. Also her son HUGH FOY of Tulley who departed this life March 13th 1890 aged 84 years.


Erected by WILLIAM GORDON in memory of his father JAMES GORDON who dept this life Jan 17th 1820 aged 83 years. Also his brother JAMES GORDON who depd this life April 20th 1833 aged 45 years. Also to the memory of WILLIAM GORDON who depd this life Nov 18th 1819 aged 57 years.


Here lieth the body of JAMES GUTTERY who departed this life February the 10th 1808 aged 22 years.


This Memorial has been erected by ANN HALL in Memory of the both parents. JAS HAA Esq late of Enniskillen died 1oth Feb. 1799. JANE HALL who died 8th June------- also of her beloved brothers JOHN HALL who died 30th June 1781 and JAS HALL who died 22nd July 1824 and to her ever dear sister FRANCIS HALL who died 7th Sept. 1807. Here also the bodies of her brothers and sisters who died in their infancy. Here also is interred her dearest the best beloved sister MARY HALL who to her deep and extreme regret departed this life 30th Oct, 1832 with whom she hopes soon to join in blessed anominity.

This monument has been erected by ED HALL Esq to the memory of his dearest best beloved brother JOHN HALL Esq to his great grief and that of his family departed this life after a---------- on Monday morning the 21st December 1896. He was------ and affectionate with the family by whom he was most tenderly beloved in the intercourse with them. He was entered for ----------- benevolence of his heart and the ------------ of his principles. Here also is interred my dear brother High Sherriff of Fermanagh after few days illness exactly 11 months and 14 days after the departure of his dearly beloved brother JOHN HALL whom he never ceased to lament. He was a steady friend a most affectionate and generous brother. To the poor he was ever charatable and benevolent. He died respected and beloved by all who knew him.

Here lyeth the body of JOHN HALL who dyed December the 15th 1741 aged 45.

Here lyeth the body of MARY WOOD alias HALL who departed this life April the 20th 1783 aged 32 years. Also JOHN WOOD departed this life March 28th 1807 aged 65 years.


Erected by JOHN HOWDON in memory of his father RICHARD who depd this life April 19th 1790 aged 56 years also his wife MARGARET who depd this life October 31st 1815 aged 56 years. Also her two HOWDEN children.

Under this stone lyeth the body of JAMES HOWDON who departed this life June 25th 1803 aged 76 years.


Erected by ELLEN IRVINE in memory of her parents brothers and sisters. WILLIAM J. FOSTER died 6th May 1882 aged 2. JAMES R. FOSTER died 18th May 1882 aged 6 months. JOHN FOSTER died 25th October 1888 aged 68 years. SARAH A. FOSTER died 7th October 1930 aged 88. WILLIAM J. FOSTER died 1st Dec 1932 aged 48. ELIZABETH A. FOSTER died 9th June aged 58 years.


This stone Erected by THOMAS JOHNSTON in Memory of his son EDWARD JOHNSTON who departed this life October 9th 1822 aged 19 years.

Erected by THOMAS JOHNSTON in memory of his brother SIMON JOHNSTON who departed this life July 14th 1804 aged 41 years.

Here lyeth the body of WILLIAM JOHNSTON who departed this life on November 17th 1803 aged 78 years.

Erected by ELIZABETH JOHNSTON to the memory of the late REV WILLIAM JOHNSTON one time Rector of Innismagaih who departed this life for a home in the Kingdom of Glory the 10th of May 1815 aged 69 years. Sacred also to the memory of his beloved wife MARY who departed this life January 22nd 1816 aged 66 years. Also to the memory of HANNAH JOHNSTON departed this life December 16th 1818 aged 46 years. Also to the memory of THOMAS JOHNSTON who departed this life April 22 1819 aged 60 years. Also to the memory of JUDE JOHNSTON who departed this life May the 20th 1819 aged 69 years.

Sacred to the memory of FRANCIS ROBT CHAS and EDWARD JOHNSTON forefathers of EDWD JOHNSTON Esq of Aughakeerin.

Sacred to the memory of THOMAS JOHNSTON of the Holme who departed this life 18th July 1836 aged 72 years. Also his wife ELIZABETH JOHNSTON who departed this life 17th August 1874 aged 82 years. Also their son ROBERT JOHNSTON who departed this life 2nd April 1871 aged 47 years. Also his wife ISABELLA JONSTON who departed this life 16th Dec 1887 aged 50 years. Also THOMAS JOHNSTON son of the above THOMAS JOHNSTON who departed this life 21st April 1899 aged 70 years. CATHERINE JOHNSTON died 10th Nov 1900 aged 66 years. ANDREW JOHNSTON died 19th January 1905 aged 75 years.


Here leith the body of GABRIEL KERR who departed this life 5th March 1796 aged 91 years.

Erected by EDWARD KERR in Memory of his beloved wife CATHERINE KERR who died the 28th July 1817? Aged 23 years. And of the said EDWARD KERR who died 25th March aged 72 years and of his daughter MARY JANE KERR who departed this life 16th July 1876 aged 88 years.

Sacred to the memory of CATHERINE MARY KERR who departed this life on the 10th of March 1890 aged 17 years and her father JOHN KERR who departed this life 12th February 1908 aged 88 years also her mother JANE MARY KERR who departed this life the 17th November 1918 aged 71 years and of their son EDWARD DAVID KERR, M.B.E. who died the 8th March 1959 aged 91 years.


Sacred to the memory of the Infant children of WILLIAM KITTSON. MARTHA who died Nov 1831 aged 3 years JAMES who died Feb 19th 1835 aged 6 months and SUSAN who died May 18th aged 8 months. Also WILLIAM KITTSON died Feb 10th 1846 aged 31 and CHRISTINE KITTSON died June 6th 1849 aged 18 years.

Here lyes the body of HUGH and JOHN KITTSON. Hugh died April ---1799 aged 21. John died 2 of October 17---aged 59 years.


Erected by THOMAS KIDNEY in memory of his wife SARAH KIDNEY who dept this life Dec 30th 1814 aged 36 years.


Erected by MARY ANN in memory of her husband ROBERT LEITH who died September 29th 1882 aged 56 years.


Here lyeth bodys of six children belonging to JOHN and ELIZA LOYD of Kinnarlow viz FRANCIS JOHN ALEX JOHN STEWART and ELIZA to ye memory of whom this monument was erected by their father in the year 1736.

LOYD (only the surname)


Sacred to the memory of THOMAS LEITH of Largalinney who died 16th June 1906 aged 67 years. Erected by his loving sister and nephew ELLEN LEITH and ALEXANDER TUMATH.

Erected by MARY ANN in memory of her husband ROBERT LIETH who died September the 23rd 1882 aged 56 years.


Erected by JOHN LITTLE in memory of his son JAMES LITTLE who departed this life 25th April 1860 aged 24 years also his beloved wife ISABELLA LITTLE who departed this life 1st Nov 1875 aged 64 years. The above JOHN LITTLE departed this life March 28th aged 77 years.


Erected by FRANCIS McGUIRE in Memory of his brother THOMAS MAGUIRE who departed this life February 9th 1782 aged 19 years. Also his mother who departed this life in the 69 years of her age

Here lyeth the body of THOMAS MAGUIRE who departed this life November 1790 aged 75 years.

Erected by JOHN DONLIP in memory of his wife ELNOR MAGUIRE who departed this life March the 16th 1796 aged 29 years.

Erected by MOSES MAGUIRE in memory of his father JOHN MAGUIRE who died June 18th 1872 aged 44 years. Also his mother MARGRET MAGUIRE who died February 25th 1900 aged 70 years.


Erected by FRANCIS McGUIRE in Memory of his brother THOMAS MAGUIRE who departed this life February 9th 1782 aged 19 years. Also his mother who departed this life in the 69 years of her age


Erected by THOMAS MaKEE in memory of his wife ELIZABETH MaKEE who departed this life May 4th 1803 aged 68 years.


This stone was dedicated by JOHN McBRIEN in memory of his mother JANE McBRIEN who dep this life 13 of April in the year of our Lord 1838 aged 55 years also his sister ELIZA who dept this life May 23rd 1838 aged 31 years. Also his son WILLIAM HENRY McBRIEN who dept this life May 9th 1849 aged 16 years. Also his father MOSES McBRIEN who dept this life on the 9th of September 1856 aged 90 years.

Sacred to the memory of JOHN McBRIEN who died March 30th 1880 aged 67 years and also his wife MARY ANN McBRIEN who died the 21st August 1885 aged 72 years. Also his daughter ANNABELLA McBRIEN who died 25th October 1891 aged 30 years Also his son JOHN McBRIEN died 29th July 1932 aged 89 years. Also ELIZABETH ELEANOR McBRIEN wife of JOHN McBRIEN died 23rd March 19-----.

Here lieth the body of THOMAS McBRIEN who departed this life June 9th 1791 aged 79 years.

Here lyeth the body of DENNIS McBRIEN who departed this life May 15th 1778 also body of JOHN McBRIEN who departed this life Dec 9th 1786 aged 90 years.

Erected by HENRY McBRIEN in memory of his son HENRY who departed this life Dec 18th 1815 aged 18 years.


Erected by WILLIAM McCLELAND in memory of his father JAMES McCLELAND who departed this life March 22nd 1899 aged 72years.


Erected by OWEN McSHERRY in memory of his brother THOMAS who died 2nd June 1883.


Erected by JANE MOFFIT Church Hill in memory of her beloved brother JOHN MOFFIT who departed this life 20th April 1880 aged 39 years.


Herelieth the body of HUGH MONTGOMERY who departed this life July 20th 1797 aged 58 years.

VIRTUS MOVET REX FOVET. Here lieth the bodies of RICHARD DUNBAR and HUGH MONTGOMERY Esq Rich died Nov 6th 1666 Hugh died Sept 26, 1722 aged 71 years.


MOORE 28th Oct 1788 JOHN ROBERT.


Here lyith the body of ANDY MOREY who died October 7 1767 aged 49 years.


Here lieth the body of JULIANA NIXON who departed this life July 1778 aged 63 years also the body of Revd JOHN NIXON 30 years Rector of Inishmacsaint Parish who depd this life 19th January 1797 aged 83 years.

Erected in memory of JAMES NIXON who depd this life on 12th January 1850 aged 84 years. Also his beloved wife JANE who departed this life on 19th October 1855 aged 84 years. Also his daughter DORITHY who departed this life May 5th 1866 aged 62 years.


Here lyth the body of ANN O'BRYAN alias ELOT wife of MICHAEL O'BRYAN who departed this life May 3rd 1775 aged 48 years. Virtues which adorned her youthful life will long live in the memory of those who knew her.


Erected by JANE O'DARE in Memory of her beloved husband JAMES O'DARE of Coranerk who departed this life 25th December 1880 aged 70 years.


Here lyth the body of HUGH OVENS who dept this life January 1703. Age 58 years.

Sacred to the memory of REVY WILLIAM OVENS. Rector of Boho who departed this life on 11th June 1821 aged 69.

Under this stone lyth the body THOMAS OVENS-------------JAMES OVENS died June 25th 1883 aged 60 years.

Sacred to the Glory of God to the memory of JANE OVENS only child of WILLIAM OVENS of Rahalton in this county who dept this life on the 5th day of May 1835 in --------- year of her age.

Erected by WILLIAM OVENS of Drumanure in memory of his beloved wife ISABELLA OVENS who departed this life January 15th 1863 age 35 years.

To the memory of BARBARA OVENS wife of the late JOHN OVENS of Rahalton who died 6th December 1845 aged 90 years also to her son JOHN OVENS late Captain 27th Regt of Foot also departed this life 3rd March 1849 aged 53 years also to the memory of EMILY the beloved wife of REVD JAMES OVENS Rector of Inniskeel who departed this life on 4th December 1862 in the 40th year of his age also to the memory of REVD JAMES MONTGOMERY OVENS A.B.T.C.D. for more than quarter of century Rector of Inniskeel of Donegal and Rural Dean the dast surviving son of the late JOHN OVENS Esq Rahalton who departed this life the 2nd January 1872 in the ---year of his age. For in Adam all die even in Christ shall all be made alive.


Here lie the body of GERARD PATTERSON who depd this life Jan 15th 1821 aged 65 years.

Here lies the body of JAMES PATTERSON---------

WILLIAM PATTERSON decd March 10th 1814 aged 54 years.


Here lyeth the body of GEORGE PORTEOUS who departed this life 1791 aged 65 years. Also beneath deposed the remains of JOHN PORTEOUS who departed this life April 10th 1810.

Erected by ROBERT PORTEUS in memory of his daughter MARGERY who depd this life Febry the 18th 1818 aged 19 years.

Erected by CHARLES PORTTOUS in memory of his wife ELIZABETH PORTTOUS who depd this life April 1st 1818 aged 67 years.

In loving memory of ROBT PORTEOUS of Giltaugh who died 1st Dec 1878 aged 75 years and his wife ANN PORTEOUS also died 1st January 1888 aged 79 years.


Here lyeth the body of JOHN RABASON who departed this life in the 21 years of his age 1749. Also ELIZABETH ROBSON alias COOKE wife to ROBERT ROBSON aged 49 years.


By GILLY DEVIRS in memory of EDW REILLY and his wife ELENOR the former died the 10th March 1818 aged 62 the later on the 9th of July 1816 aged 66. Also EDW DEVIRS on 9th Sept 1823 aged 19.

Erected by MARGARET DUNDAS in memory of her husband PATRICK DUNDAS who departed this life April 5th 1822 aged 60 years. Also her mother B. REILLY who dept this life March 9th 1818 aged 76 years.


Erected by WALTER ROBINSON in memory of his father ROBERT ROBINSON who departed this life April 29 1795 aged 66 years.

Here lyeth the body of GEORGE ROBINSON who departed this life 28 day of --------1783 aged 64 years.


Here lyeth the body of JOHN RABASON who departed this life in the 21 years of his age 1749. Also ELIZABETH ROBSON alias COOKE wife to ROBERT ROBSON aged 49 years.


Here lyes the body of ROBERT ROGERS who deceased the 4th day of December in the year of our Lord God 1766 aged 56 years.


SAUNDERSON of Shean and Church Hill 1630-1974. (Major G.W. Saunderson who was murdered by the I.R.A. in 1974 is buried here.)


Here lyeth bodys of six children belonging to JOHN and ELIZA LOYD of Kinnarlow viz FRANCIS JOHN ALEX JOHN STEWART and ELIZA to ye memory of whom this monument was erected by their father in the year 1736.


Erected by LOWRY SUMERVILL in memory of his father WILLIAM SUMMERVILL who depd this life Sept the 17th 1819 aged 67 years also his daughter CHRISTIAN who depd this life Nov 27 1832 aged 40 years. "Farewell vain world for in thee is no pleasure".


In memory of MARY widow of ANDREW TEEVAN of Raceview died 2nd September 1869, aged 72 years. ELIZA TEEVAN daughter of the above died March 2nd 1878 aged 48 years.

Sacred to the memory of ANDREW W. TEEVAN wh departed this life May 17th 1823. Aged 72 years. ANDREW TEEVAN of Raceview died 24th Aug 1865 aged 72 years.

Sacred to the memory of JOHNSTON TEEVAN of Stonewold Ballyshannon eldest son of the late JAMES TEEVAN of Farncassidy Belleek died 24th April 1872. Thy will be done. Erected in affectionate Remembrance by his bereved widow.


Erected by ROBERT THOMPSON in memory of his wife JANE THOMPSON who departed this life August 29th 1800 aged 58 yrs also his son JOHN who died May 18th 1793 age 26 years.

Here lyeth the body of THOMAS THOMPSON who departed this life January 1761 aged 17 years.

Inside Church. Feare Well Vaine World For In Thee Is No Pleasure. Here lyeth the body of ELIZABETH THOMPSON wife of HUGH THOMPSON who departed this life November 16 1802 aged 67 years also the body of HUGH THOMPSON who died Febr 19th 1808 aged 77 years.

GEORGE THOMPSON Fedian died 19th June 1904. His wife ELLEN died 12 Feb 1905. Their son VERNER died 30th June 1935. His wife DORENDA died 8th Feb 1954. Their son in law KEITH WALDRON died 9th May 1974.


Sacred to the memory of THOMAS LEITH of Largalinney who died 16th June 1906 aged 67 years. Erected by his loving sister and nephew ELLEN LEITH and ALEXANDER TUMATH.


GEORGE THOMPSON Fedian died 19th June 1904. His wife ELLEN died 12 Feb 1905. Their son VERNER died 30th June 1935. His wife DORENDA died 8th Feb 1954. Their son in law KEITH WALDRON died 9th May 1974.


Erected by THOMAS WALSH in memory of his beloved wife ANN who died March 28th 1877 aged 75 years also the above THOMAS WALSH who died 22nd December 1879 aged 79 years and in memory of EDWARD WALSH who was District Master for Magherboy for 50 years died August 15th 1905 aged 84 years also his wife ANN JANE WALSH who died 5th July 1909.


Here lieth the body of WILLIAM WHITAKER who dyed Aug 9th 1758 aged 51 years also ELIZA JANE WHITAKER dyed January 12 1758 aged 24.

Here lyeth the body of GEORGE WHITAKER who dept this life June 9th 1791 aged 67 years.

Hre lyeth the body of ELIZABETH WHITAKER wife of DAVID WHITAKER died December 10th 1736 aged 42 years.

Sacred to the memory of the REVEREND JOHN WHITTAKER A.B. Incumbent of Tempo who died 19th December 1876 aged 69 years and of his sister ELIZABETH WHITTAKER of Drumcullion who died 26th May 1894 aged 80 years.


Here under is interred the body of JANE WILSON who dept this life May 15th 1777 in the 65 year of her age also here interred the body of EDWARD WILSON who dept this life June 8th in the 48th year of his age.

Erected by THOMAS WILSON in memory of his wife ELIZABETH WILSON who dept this life-----------also CHRISTOPHER WILSON who departed this life March 10th 1796 aged 27 years.

In memory of CHRISTINA WILSON died 14th August 1906 aged 70 also her husband WILLIAM WILSON died 19th August 1908 aged 82 their daughters ELIZABETH WILSON died 11th Sept 1908 aged 40. MARGARET WILSON died 24th April 1909 aged 35. ISABELLA the beloved wife of JOHN WILSON died 31st October 1937 aged 58 years. JANE WILSON died 8th March 1956 aged 85. JOHN WILSON died 27th July 1956 aged 87 and ISABELLA WILSON died 15th April 1958 aged 82.


Sacred to the memory of JOHN WOOD late of Enniskillen who departed this life Feb 8th 1818 aged 59 years. He was an affectionate husband fond father and firm friend. Also his wife ANNABELLA WOOD who departed this life Jan 8th 1839 aged 64 years. Also of MRY WOOD wife of JOHN WOOD of Enniskillen who depd this life Dec 12 1869 aged 21 years and of his wife MARY WOOD died---------1870 aged 21 years.

------------- also JOHN WOOD who departed this life on the 10th March 1839 aged 65 years.

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