The parish of Lisnaskea remained a district curacy in Aghalurcher parish until 1863 when it was created a perpetual curacy. The entries in this register therefore relate to the Lisnaskea district of Aghalurcher parish. ![]()
Map Of Parish LocationsBaptisms
Surname Given Names Date Surname Given Names Date Acheson Issabella 1812 Atchison Margaret 1814 Adams Elizabeth 1812 Adams Christopher 1814 Anderson Margaret 1811(twin) Anderson Rebeca 1811(twin) Armstrong Arthur 1804 Armstrong Jane 1805 Armstrong Anne 1805 Armstrong John 1805 Armstrong John 1806 Armstrong James 1806 Armstrong Jas. 1807 Armstrong John 1807 Armstrong Mary Anne 1808 Armstrong John 1808 Armstrong Robert 1808 Armstrong Anne 1809 Armstrong James 1809 Armstrong Anne 1809 Armstrong Elizabeth 1810 Armstrong Robert 1810 Armstrong Robert 1811 Armstrong Jane 1811 Armstrong Susanna 1811 Armstrong Mary Anne 1811 Armstrong John 5 Apr 1812 Armstrong John 12 Apr 1812 Armstrong Lucy 1812 Armstrong Alexander 1813 Armstrong James 1813 Armstrong Elizabeth 1813 Armstrong Dorah 1813 Armstrong Francis 1813 Armstrong William 1813 Armstrong Robert 1813 Armstrong Hugo 1813 Armstrong George 1813 Armstrong Mary 1814 Arnold George 1805 Arnold Leslie 1807(twin) Arnold Edward 1807(twin) Arnold Eleoner 1811 Atwell Robert 1811 Atwell William 1813 Baird Carles 1813 Beaty John 1808 Bell Joseph 1807 Bell Margaret 1809 Bell Jane 1811 Bell Anne 1812 Benson William 1804 Benson Catherine 1808 Best Anne 1812 Bevis William 1811 Blakely Charles 1813 Blare John 1807 Boarman Maria 1806 Boreman Elizabeth 1808 or 1809 Bourman Archibald 1811 Bourman John 1813 Bourman Violet 1813 Bohonan Elizabeth 1808 Bowels Eliza 1812 Bowles Saragh 1812 Bowls Jane 1814 Boyle William 1808 Bready John 1810 Brians**? Jane bn 28 Oct 20 Oct 1814 Brians**? Jane bn 28 Oct 1 Jan 1815 Bride Elizabeth 1809 Brouster Jane 1805 Browster Rhoda 1805 Browster Elizabeth 1807 Browster Susanna 1809(twin) Browster Thomas 1809(twin) Browster Mary 1815 Brown Jane 1808 Bryans John 1807 Bryans Mary Anne 1808 Bryans Sara 1809 Bryans Edward 1810 Bryans William 1812 Buchanan George 1811 Buchannon Robert 1813 Burnside William 1814 Bushel John 1807 Bushel James 1808 Bushel James 1812 Bushel Alexander 1813 Camel Catherine 1813 Campbell Francis 1807 Cassidy John 1808 Cassidy Alexander 1813 Chapman Anne 1807 Chapman Maria 1809 Chapman Martin 1811 Charters Jane 1805 Chartres William 1813 Chittic Francis 1811 Chittick Fransis 1805 Clarke Mary Anne 1807 Clarke Margaret 1807 Clarke Rebeca 1807 Clarke Noble 1807 Clarke Maria 1810 Clarke Dora 1811 Clarke John 1811 Clarke Thomas 1813 Clarke Hugh 1815 Clarke Margaret 1815 Clingen Alexander 1808 Clingen Robert 1808 Clingen Richard 1813 Clingen Anne 1813 Clingen John 1815 Clinton Maria 1808 Conally Elizabeth 1814 Conelly Margaret 1809 Corry Anne 1805 Curry Samuel 1807 Curry Jane 1813 Coulter Mary 1813 Crawford Maria 1809 Crawford Jane 1813 Dennis Elizabeth 1812 Donaldson William 1810 Donaldson Anne 1810 Donaldson John 1812 Douglas William 1805 Baptisms continued
Surname Given Names Date Surname Given Names Date Douglass Jane 1808 Dunbar Anne 1808 Dunbar Jane 1808 Dunbar Henry 1808 Dunbar William 1813 Dunbar John 1814 Dunlap Anne 1804 Dunlap John 1805 Dunlap Martha 1811 Dunn Maria 1807 Elliott John 1805 Elliott Christine 1807 Elliott Elizabeth 1808 Elliott Jane 1808 Elliott Margaret 1809 Elliott Robert 1812 Elliott Jane 1812 Fair Maria 1804 Faire Catherine 1804 Fare Jane 1805 Fare John 1806 Fare William 1807 Fare Edward 1807 Fare Maria 1808 Fare Margarett 1811 Fare William 1811 Fare Sarah 1811 Fare William 1811 Fare John 1812 Fare Thomas 1814 Faucet Elizabeth 1805 Fausset Maria 1812 Fay Andrew 1807 Fie Hugh 1804 Finley Lettitia 1811 Fisher Jane 1808 Fisher Henry 1815 Fleming Mary 1805 Fleming John 1810 Fleming Joseph 1813 Forster English 1805 Forster Thomas 1807 Forster Adam 1807 Forster William 1807 Forster Arthur 1808 Forster Jane 1808 Forster James 1810 Forster Maria 1812 Forster John 1813 Forster Jane 1813 Forster Elizabeth 1814 Fosset Jane 1807 Fossit Charles 1810 Foster Leslie 1807 Frasier Joseph 1812 Frecktelon John 1808 Frekelton Jane 1813 Frickelton Joshua 1814 Garner John 1815 Gibson Maria 1810 Gilbreth Catherine 1813 Gillis William 1808 Givens Francis 1815 Glen Margaret 1804 Glen Samuel bn 6 Dec 1807 16 Dec 1807 Graham Fra 1805 Graham Elizabeth 1805 Graham Jane 1806 Graham Jane 1807 Graham Barbary 1807 Graham William 1807 Graham Maria 1807 Graham Robert 1808 Graham Francis 1809 Graham Margaret 1811 Graham Anne 1811 Graham Eliza 1813 Graham Robert 1813 Graham Christopher 1813 Graham John 1813 Graham Andrew 1814 Graham Mary Anne 1815 Graydon Samuel 1807 Graydon Arthur 1808 Graydon Sara 1809 Graydon Eleoner 1810 Graydon Anne 1812 Greenlees Noble 1808 Greenlees John 1808 Greenlees Anne 1812 Gunn Anne 1812 Hall Charles 1811 Hale Jane 1811 Hale Saragh 1814 Hale Andrew bn 10 Nov 1814 20 Nov 1814 Haney Maria 1810 Hany Elizabeth 1815 Hare Maria 1807 Hare William 1813 Harvy James 1808 Hayes Mary Anne 1814 Heney Thomas 1805 Hog Mary 1804 Hogg John 1805 Hogg Margaret 1807 Hooey Margery 1807 Hooey Sarah 1812 Howe John 1808 Howe Margaret 1813 Hughes Christopher 1808 Humphrys Margaret 1807 Humphrys Jane 1810 Hunly Sarah 1810 Ingram James 1810 Ingram Thomas 1814 Irvine John 1808 Irvine Andrew 1811 Irwin John 1806 Jackson John 1813 Jackson Jane 1815 Jobes Robert 1814 Johnston Jane 1808 Jones Christopher 1805 Jones John 1812 Kane George 1811 Kelly Jane 1807 Kennedy William 1811 Kennedy Catherine 1812 Kennedy Mary 1814 Kenney William 1811 Kenny James 1813 Kenny Mary 1813 Kettle Thomas 1804 Kettles Elizabeth 1804 Kettles John 1804 Kettles John 1806 Kettles Jane 1806 Kettles Mary Anne 1807 Kettles George 1809 Kettles Sarah 1809 Kettles Jane 1810 Kettles William 1811 Kettles Anne 1812 Kettles Jane 1813 Kettles Robert 12 Sep 1813 Kettles Robert 24 Oct 1813 Kettles William 1814 Kettles Thomas 1814 Kettles James 1815 Laird George 1813 Baptisms continued
Surname Given Names Date Surname Given Names Date Latimar John 1805 Latimer Margaret 1808 Lattimer Anne 1811 Lattimor John 1814 Lettimore James 1814 Law Saragh 1813 Leslie Blagney ? 1807 Levingston Elizabeth 1810 Leviston Anne 1813 Leviston Rosanna 1813 Lindsay William 1807 Little Robert 1814 Lloyd Eliza 1814 Lloyd Mary Jane 1814 Luiey Eleoner 1809 Lunney Maria 1812 Macartney Jane 1811(twin) Macartney Hellen 1811(twin) McAdin James 1811 McAfee Rebecca 1807 McCadden Thomas 1812 McCalroy Catherine 1813 McCartney Jane 1815 McCatee John 1812 McCatee Susanna 1813 McCavoy Thomas 1815 McCoy Isabella 1810 McCoy Jane 1812 McCoy Lucy 1815 McDonald Catherine 1808 McElroy Jane 1811 McMullin Jane 1811 McMullin Elizabeth 1815 Magee Jane 1810 Maguiggin Jane 1812 Maguire Chas. 1809 Maise James 1814 Maise Mary 1814 Maneese Jane 1813 Maneese John 1815 Martin George 1805 Martin Maria 1807 Martin Jane 1808 Mathew Isabella 1804 Maxwell John 1808 Maxwell Arthur 1810 Maxwell Anne 1813 Meldrum William 1813 Mitchel Elizabeth 1808 Mitchell John 1809 Mitchell Margaret 1813 Mitchell Robert 1815 Montgomery Elizabeth 1804 MtGomery Edward 1805 MtGomery Mary 1805 MtGomery John 1807 MtGomery Margaret 1807 MtGomery George 1808 MtGomery Sarah 1809 MtGomery William 1810 MtGomery Catherine 1812 MtGomery Noble 1813 MtGomery George 1814 MtGomery John 1814 Morison Jane 1807 Morrison Barbara 1809 Morrison Catherine 1809 Morrison Margaret 1810 Morrison Anne 1810 Morrison George 1810 Morrison Sarah 1812 Morrison Alexander 1812 Morrison Mary 1813 Morrison Catherine 1813 Morrison Edward 1813 Morrison Noble 1814 Morrow Mary Jane 1814 Mortin Catherine 1807 Murray Maria 1808 Nickle Margaret 1804 Nicole Jane 1811 Nixon William 1804 Nixon Mark 1807 Nixon Sidney 1808 Nixon Elizabeth 1812 Nixon George 1812 Nixon Anne 1814 Noble John 1807(twin) Noble Elizabeth 1807(twin) Noble Anne 1809 Noble Irwin 1810 Noble John 1811 Noble Mary 1814 Paisley John 1811 Paseley Henry 1812 Palmer Mary Anne 1807 Palmer Thomas bn 24 Jul 1810 1811 Paarkinson William 1813 Parkinson James 1813 Perry Jane 1807 Perry Margaret 1810 Perry Harriet 1810 Perry Jane 1811 Perry Anne 1812 Perry William 1813 Perry Jane 1814 Phair John 1814 Phair Jane 1815 Phair Alexander 1815 Punsely Margaret 1813 Pursely Robert 1815 Rain Jane 1805 Rainber William 1807 Reilley Anne 1804 Reilley Jane 1805 Reilley Thomas 1806 Reilley John 1808 Reilley Margaret 1808 Reilley Prudencia 1808 Reilley John 1811 Reilley Thomas 1812 Reilley Charles 1813 Reilley Saragh(Law?) 1813 Reilley Johnston 1814 Reilley Andrew(Graham?) 1814 Renick Jane 1804 Rennick Dorothea 1805 Rennick Thomas 3 May 1807 Rennick Thomas 21 Jun 1807 Rennick Mary 1807 Rennick Edward 1809 Rennick William 1810 Rennick Anne 1810 Rennick Edward 1811 Rennick Elizabeth 1812 Rennick Susanna 1812 Rennick Jane 1813 Robinson John 1805 Robinson Sarah 1805 Robinson Christopher 1808 Robinson Sarah 1810 Robinson Thomas 1812 Robinson James 1812 Robinson John 1813 Shepperd Martha 1813 Sir Charles 1808 Smyth James 1805 Somers Fras. 1804 Sommers Jas. 1807 Summers William 1808 Summers James 1810 Somervill William 1805 Story Abigale 1805 Story John 1807 Swindle Anne 1813 Swindle Jane 1813 Swindle Elizabeth 1814 Swindle Isabella 1814 Swindle Elizabeth 1815 Tearney Mary Anne 1808 Teven/Tewin Mary 1804 Teven/Tewin Sarah 1807 Teyman John 1807 Thompson Edward 1804 Thompson Christopher 1805 Thompson Anne 1808 Thompson Margaret 1814 Thompson Anne 1815 Trimble John 1805 Trimble James 1807 Trimble Sarah 1812 Trimble James 1814 Tubman James 1814 Vance John 1805 Vance Irwin 1807 Vance William(Lindsay?) 1807 Vance Margaret 1809 Vance Hugh 1814 Vance William 1814 Vance Hugh 1815 Vernon Robert 1813 Wallace Arthur 1807 White Samuel 1813 Whitley Elizabeth 1807 Whitley Thomas 1810 Whitley Francis 1812 Wiggins William 1806 Willey Mathew 1807 Wilson William 1808 Woods Elizabeth 1804 Woods Maria 1807 Woods Leslie 1808 Woods Euphemia 1812
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